Our librarians have put together several activities, for a variety of challenges and levels. Complete an activity and you might unlock a more advanced one, and bragging rights, cool badges and maybe even a prize!

Book Quiz

Test your book knowledge and challenge yourself by answering these multiple-choice questions about popular books. For more quizzes visit https://www.quiztriviagames.com/.

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Music Journalist

A music journalist reviews albums and concerts, reports on music news, and interviews musicians. They can work online, through print news resources, or broadcast on television, radio, or podcasts. Try your hand at being a music journalist and answer these questions about an album or artist!

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Name That Song

Don't you hate it when someone mentions a classic song, and they are convinced that it's called something you know it isn't? This quiz is for you. Using just the artist, year, and a lyric; Name That Song!

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NASA: 60 Years and Counting
On October 1st, 2019, NASA will be celebrating its 60th birthday! For over six decades, NASA has brought the world an amazing number of bold missions in science, aviation, and human exploration. Watch these 8 videos to learn more about NASA and their accomplishments over these past six decades!

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Astronaut Training
So you want to be an astronaut... Did you know it is the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing? NASA is looking for some new recruits. Do you have what it takes? Complete the following steps to learn about what is needed to become an astronaut with NASA!

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